Let's say you want to make a named CakePHP route which may or may not have an argument. For example, you want to return WHOIS information for an IP address:
returns WHOIS information for1.1.1.1
which is specifically passed in the URL;/whois
will return WHOIS information for the visitor's IP address.
When doing a quick search, I found this somewhat related Github issue, where devs said it's not possible and suggested OP defines two separate routes instead: one with the argument and the other one without it.
The problem with a named route is that names must be unique, same name cannot be used twice.
Here's the working config for a named route that accepts an optional argument and if it's not present, defaults it to empty.
In your config/routes.php
//'plugin' => $this->getName(),// use if you're inside a plugin
//'prefix' => 'Admin',//use if route needs to be inside a prefix
'controller' => 'Whois',
'action' => 'getinfo',
'ip' => '', // defaults to empty
'_name' => 'ipwhois',
Now you can call this route in your scripts elsewhere in the application:
echo \Cake\Routing\Router::url(['_name' => 'ipwhois']);
echo \Cake\Routing\Router::url(['_name' => 'ipwhois', 'ip' => $this->getRequest()->clientIp()]);