Structuring CakePHP models in subfolders
Setting up CakePHP CRUD plugin to use tables from another plugin
Where to put an event listener in a plugin?
in CakePHP #cakephp #best-practices #cakephp-plugin-development
Undefined index: verifyTokenSource, samesite
Get the current plugin name in CakePHP
CakePHP plugin: None of the currently connected routes match the provided parameters
Loading custom config for a CakePHP plugin
in CakePHP #cakephp #api #cakephp-plugin-development
Making a CakePHP plugin have it's own config file
Working with HTTP request type (method) in CakePHP
The very basics of getting started with CakePHP events
in CakePHP #cakephp #best-practices #decoupling
A quick example on how to get started with CakePHP event system.
Creating a RESTful API resource in CakePHP 4
in CakePHP #cakephp #api #rest
Here's how to quickly convert a controller into an API resource
CakePHP 4 "Missing or incorrect CSRF cookie type"
in CakePHP #cakephp #middleware
Reconfiguring `CsrfProtectionMiddleware` to allow POST requests to specific scopes
CakePHP CRUD plugin pagination limit
Adding pagination to `friendsofcake/crud` and `friendsofcake/crud-view`