Searching for code snippets in a given directory
Connecting to Github from Debian Jessie in 2024
Tar complaining about "You must specify one of the options"
Forwarding MySQL from local port to remote server
nvm, npm, node: Command not found
Migrate whole VPS to another server using rsync
Add nvm-managed node to $PATH in init.d or crontab
Have fail2ban block the whole range
Certbot standalone not able to bind to IPv4 and fails authorization procedure?
Quick and dirty Raspberry PI desktop
Changing a MySQL/MariaDB variable in my.cnf has no effect?
Check if IP is blocked in iptables
in Development #debian #iptables #linux
Here's how you can see if a given IP address had been blocked in your iptables
Installing Debian on an Oracle Cloud Free Tier VPS
in Cloud & Serverless #debian #vps #oracle-cloud-infrastructure