Tar complaining about "You must specify one of the options"
Setting up CakePHP CRUD plugin to use tables from another plugin
Sending SES complaints and bounces to SQS via SNS
On handling junk mail, and where do complaints come from
How do you report an unwanted commercial email in a way that is likely to affect the sender reputation?
The pains of being an internationalised domain name
Take control of your cookies: clear them often, while keeping the convenience
Cleaning PDF metadata
Year on Year (YoY) charts in Google Looker Studio
Forwarding MySQL from local port to remote server
Cheapest MySQL database hosting for a hobby project?
in Development #mysql #oracle-cloud-infrastructure #mariadb #providers
Forcing mysqldump to _really_ skip comments
nvm, npm, node: Command not found
Asking ChatGPT how does prompt politeness affect response quality
Persistent ZPL commands that set default values for subsequent fields
in Development #zpl