Loading custom config for a CakePHP plugin
in CakePHP #cakephp #api #cakephp-plugin-development
Making a CakePHP plugin have it's own config file
in CakePHP #cakephp #api #cakephp-plugin-development
Making a CakePHP plugin have it's own config file
*Warning: You do not have permission to access the API*
in Development #api #european-union #look-what-i-found
If you are an EU-based SME, use this API to auto translate content in EU languages
in CakePHP #cakephp #best-practices #decoupling
A quick example on how to get started with CakePHP event system.
in Development #tips #best-practices #grep
A few potentially overlooked quick tips
in Development #debian #iptables #linux
Here's how you can see if a given IP address had been blocked in your iptables
in Cloud & Serverless #microsoft-azure #github #ci-cd
A quick solution to Github Actions not showing up when integrating Azure
in Experimental #node-js #low-end-box #vps
If you have a VPS that runs Debian 8 or 9, here's how you can install a relatively relevant Node.js version
in CakePHP #cakephp #api #rest
Here's how to quickly convert a controller into an API resource
in CakePHP #cakephp #middleware
Reconfiguring `CsrfProtectionMiddleware` to allow POST requests to specific scopes
in Development #mysql #backup #restore #mysql-workbench #phpmyadmin
Restoring a phpMyAdmin sql.zip with tables exported as separate files using MySQL Workbench
Adding pagination to `friendsofcake/crud` and `friendsofcake/crud-view`
in Development #aws #git
Troubleshooting Amazon CodeCommit not letting you into your repository over an SSH connection.